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The Future of … Google Plus :2

March 1, 2012


By Skyler In November 2011, I wrote “The Future of Google Plus”   The  current social media attempt by Google., things started well for the site back in it’s beginning but then  a  report came out last week by Comscore. Comscore found that people spend an average of 3.3 minutes on plus compared to 7.5 hours on […]

Death of the Desktop won’t happen in 2012 [Opinion]

January 8, 2012


James Morse writing for mychiller life It’s been all about mobile, Laptops, netbooks, tablets and cell phones  have been selling very well  and many keep saying that the desktop computer is going to die. I say different , why? A tablet is a great but you can’t fully type  a paper, or a blog post on […]

The Future of … Google Plus

November 4, 2011


By Skyler of mychiller Our “The future of …” series continues with Google Plus , Google’s current social media attempt  that came out in the summer,. Google has killed of “Google Buzz” their last  attempt  at social networking.   Back when it first began , Google plus first began it was invite-only and the buzz […]

AOL wants merge with Yahoo?

September 9, 2011


By Skyler for mychillertech news Back in 2010 reports came out that Aol was looking to buy yahoo, but was stopped by then Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz , who was fired this week.  Now Aol CEO , Tim Armstrong is now said to be in talks to buy the struggling company, earlier this year he […]

The Future of… Facebook

January 16, 2011


Part of the Future of series  this time we take a look at facebook’s future.  

The Future of… Books

January 11, 2011


In our continuing look at the future of things this time we look at the future of books. In the future you could all the books will not be paper and bookstore will have a long address and maybe no coffee. That’s because of the rise of these handy devices  called E-readers. E-readers have risen in popularity in […]

The Future of … Myspace

January 10, 2011


We have a series here on mychiller life , called the future of…. we look at the futures of different things in the web and tech. Now we look at the future of myspace. Remember them? was the biggest thing on the block, everyone and their dog was on myspace hit it’s peak in […]