The Loud House Season 5: Episode 8: No Bus No Fuss: Resident Upheaval

Posted on February 1, 2021


 The Loud House Nickelodeon 

Previously on \”The Loud House\” : Liam does baseball read that here 

    Episode 8A: No Bus No Fuss 

             The episode starts with the sisters : Lucy down in age, because Lynn has decided to leave this episode after a short cameo,  they all get on the bus with Lincoln. I think Royal Woods is strange they just have one bus for different schools, how is that efficient ?  Anyway the sister are memory holed for rest of the episode , like they get on the bus and then never seen on the bus so that\’s fun. 

        Lincoln goes up on the bus and says hello to his friends and some girl, and plot convenience 2000 machine says the seat has a spring that pops out just in the right moment, so Lincoln wants in the back to get this plot going. Three 8th graders,( who look like they are older than that, like the one boy is middle aged man, fight me!)  don\’t like him sitting in their seat, but then calamity happens and Lincoln and his friends get beaten and wedgied  because some writers think that happens or something.  (Or think it\’s funny)   The episode decides that the main focus isn\’t the bullies but, instead they decide to get rides to stay away from the bullies.  

           The rest of the episode is the friends trying different car pool ideas (they could just walk)  to get to school in humorous ways.  That\’s not a bad thing, but it is interesting that this is the plot and the bullies are there for plot reasons more than actual purpose for the episode… for most the episode.  I do like the creative rides, don\’t get me wrong. I just have to say to if you were expecting a \”Hey Arnold\” style of episode where Lincoln and friends work together to stop bullies as a main plot, that\’s not the Loud House. 

              I\’m also still confused that the sisters were on the bus, but then memory holed, I\’m also confused about like do any of the parents about the bullies, there\’s a like a bunch of empty holes in this episode that makes me question things.   The idea of all this going wrong, because Lincoln has rode to school with his mother before with  no problems for him, but they need to force it back to the idea of getting on the bus, because  the bullies didn\’t stop at all, they instead starting wedging other boys and girls and other bully stuff.   

         Lincoln decides the best thing to do is to stop the bullies. He gets on the bus and stands up to them.  He gets the others on the bus to stand up to them, I\’m glad bus driver has time to cheer but never did anything to fix the problem on his bus. (I want him fired, just because )   The episode shows strength through numbers.  

       It\’s an alright episode, just with a lot of things happening to make it work; making me question why all memory holing?  I do like that the bullies fell under so easily, it shows that  sometimes (cases do vary) that people who bully are only able to do it when it\’s them versus one or a few instead a larger crowd.  (Though I feel someone wished there was \”A Christmas Story\” style goes and just beats up the biggest one in a blind fury, but someone at Nickelodeon are cowards!) Anyway 8/10 episode. 

More after the jump

 Episode 8b:  Resident Upheaval 

         This episode is where they take a character mentioned like once before and finally bring her to life, that\’s Clyde\’s grandma, we also have Lincoln\’s grandma return.  That\’s nice. This is a so-called Clincoln Mcloud episode with a twist.  The goal of the episode is that the retirement home (so Clyde\’s dads are the kind of people who have a nice roomy house, but still put their mother and mother-in-law in a home, very sad)  where Lincoln\’s grandpa lives has one space open and both families want their grandma to live there. They both don\’t know about the other. 

       Lincoln takes the goal post for helping Myrtle get the room.  While Clyde is trying to get Gayle the room. I do like how Clyde picked up some planning ideas from Lincoln and mentions that he did.  (Very sweet) There\’s a board who looks through the applicants and both boys, without knowing the other one, and the smooze the people on the board. They find out that the other person is Clyde and Lincoln at the opera, like a woman finding her husband with another man on \”All My Children\”.

        Clyde and Lincoln get into an argument. The two guys on the board pick both, and now it\’s down to the head of the board, Scoots. (of course)  She wants the women to battle for the room.(What?) So, the logical step is have Lincoln and Clyde both dress up as old ladies and fight each other. (what?)   The two of them fight each other for the room as their grandmas. (This episode is weird)  Anyway, if Clyde and Lincoln figured out they were fake Grandparents in 5 seconds, Scoots already knew this, and was just enjoying the show.   Eventually, they find out neither get a room.  There we go, episode over, Nana Gayle could just live with…oh there\’s more oh fine!  

        Because Scoots, ACTUALLY has a two bedroom suite they make a deal and let the grandmas live there and Scotts move to the smaller room. All is well.

  It was a fun episode, I like how Clyde and Lincoln have a wavelength on planning.   It was nice to see Clyde\’s grandma, and the episode was fun their for the ride. I give it 7.5/10

 That\’s it for now, tune in next time when we wonder why they didn\’t have Gayle live with Clyde\’s family. Rude. 



Posted in: your life