The Loud House Season 5 : Episode 7 : The Cow Pie Kid/ Saved by the Spell

Posted on January 25, 2021


 The Loud House Nickelodeon 

  Previously on \”The Loud House\” : Christmas! Read that here 

Now to Episode7 

 Episode 7a: The Cow Pie Kid 

        There\’s something I wasn\’t expecting having one of Lincoln\’s friends that aren\’t Clyde and one of Lincoln\’s sisters, in this case: Lynn, having an episode together. This case Liam and Lynn. The idea is based around the best sport in the world, baseball, ( sometimes tis a biased blog). That could set up for an interesting story.  So did it?

        It starts with Lynn and her team at their baseball game, it seems that Lynn is the captain and also manager because she\’s making decisions like she\’s Charlie Brown. Margo, her friend and team mate, was pitching has to be replaced. Paula\’s back, and yeah it\’s time to do this. Alright, the original episode she appeared in she had a broken leg  and then they had come back in a later episode and also have a broken leg still, and I put that to like yeah sure, it\’s the show\’s one-off ness that makes that make sense. But if this is supposed to be much later in time, blah blah, blah, then this just kind of irritates me, like why?  I don\’t even find it funny, it makes me feel sad.  ( Now that\’s probably just me, but still,) 

        Lynn\’s team lost that game too. I do wonder how boring things are for local radio to talk about a middle school aged baseball team, I said this in a different episode too.   Lynn is banned from pitching, which is why she can\’t do it, she got mad that she thought a goat was taunting her. That\’s funny. The plot needs to plot here, and finally, thanks to some eggs Liam and Lynn get to intersect.  I like the little touch of Liam waving at Lynn. 

      When a farmer wants some cow pies for his weird tractor, Lynn sees how good Liam is a throwing them.(That\’s a sentence) She teaches him how to get his pitching to work out well.  Fun fact : we get a Last name for Liam finally, last name being Honeycut.  Liam\’s pitching goes well, and they win the game. Lynn also has Liam pitch every game (she apparently forgot about relief pitching) Liam\’s arm starts to give up because of all the pitching. 

             Paula says wisely that he should rest his arm. Lynn instead decides to have Lisa (yay) decide to  use some weird science on Liam to fix the problem.  (Fun fact Lisa and Liam have the same English voice actor)  That didn\’t fix the problem, and Lucy decides to help with magic. That kind of works (what am I looking at?)   Then his arm gives up, Lisa says that if he continues to pitch he could permanently  damage is arm. Liam isn\’t sure, but he doesn\’t want to let the team down.   Lynn at first goes with it, but she starts to figure that this isn\’t good for Liam. I like the moment of Lynn deciding on her own to do it, and Paula (who also now has a last name, it\’s Price) take over.  When Paula\’s pitch doesn\’t work and the other team wins, Lynn is kind and tells her if they work on it they can do well next year.  

     This was a great episode, I wasn\’t expecting a Liam and Lynn team up , but I did enjoy that.  I think what really works for  the episode is that Lynn learns something on her own and they didn\’t have to preach the message to the audience. This episode did what it did well, and it was pretty fun to see. I think this possibly a top notch Lynn focused episode as well.   I really enjoyed this one, it might be nice to see more Lincoln friend + Lincoln sister team ups.   I give it 7.5/10. 

    More after the jump

             Episode 7b: Saved by the Spell  

      I\’m going to do this a little differently. I was conflicted on this episode, at  first I really didn\’t like it, but then I re-watched and figured maybe I was harsh on it. It\’s hard but maybe I can figured this out.  It starts with the family having pancakes and Lincoln comes in (and is completely rude to Lisa) and does magic tricks because of the middle school talent show. 

         Stella and the friends decide that the best time to talk about their act is during dodgeball. (What the heck?) They talk about what they want to do and figure out singing and dancing, because of course they can sing and dance for some reason.  Lincoln tells them he\’s doing a solo act.  The primary objective of Lincoln\’s friends is that this is a new school, they are the youngest of the ladder (being at least 11-years-old)  and they want to be seen as \”cool\” and  they get worried that Lincoln\’s magic act might hurt his own reputation.  Part of me wonders if they are doing this out of care, forgetting that there are adults who like magic shows and people who\’ve made millions from audiences of all ages, are they worried that Lincoln\’s reputation would put theirs at risk?  The other part thinks they are showing a genuine concern and don\’t want Lincoln to be hurt, and they are overacting to it. 

      Now the one thing that has been established Lincoln\’s character is that he\’s confident. (unless they have to write him differently  to fit a plot)  At the same does worry about his reputation in a sense.  Now I\’m glad we didn\’t have the plot be Lincoln worrying for minutes on end, instead he\’s going with his idea and the friends are being the antagonists. The episode as to do an underwear gag to make the friends feel like if they don\’t help Lincoln will fail miserably. ( I do find it funny the kids don\’t even really care that he\’s standing there like that, they are eh alright then) 


       They really could have just told Lincoln their concerns and express how they felt instead of whatever their plan was going to be, but apparently nobody wanted to write that. The idea is they are kids and kids do stupid stuff. and logic isn\’t always top thought does make some sense.  

        NOOOO! You can\’t say that! Lincoln\’s friends were being bad friends!  There\’s a show, that for right now I can\’t remember what it was , but it had an episode that I can some how remember, of a group of friends worried that their friend was going make a fool of himself because of how bad they thought his talent show act was looking, then they show up and see him doing a great job.  I forgot what show that was and I might have just combined a bunch of shows together,  don\’t know. My point is that Lincoln\’s friends might be just worried for him and worried that he\’s too over confident in himself. 

    \”But they should support him!\” you scream.  Yes, maybe they could have , the plot would have to be changed, the idea is they had to lose faith in Lincoln in that idea that thing would be fine their doubts play in to their own doubts. At the start, where Stella says they have to impress the middle schoolers that they are cool. They want to be seen at a standard of acceptance meaning they want to be what want: to be accepted by their peers and any sign of that being broken will cause their destruction, in their own minds. They possibly transplanted their own worries of being ostracized on Lincoln. That they could also be worried that Lincoln would be ostracized if he something that could be seen as out of the ordinary in the system.   Yes, I am reading way into this like a mad man, but that\’s something that popped into my head. 

—Un cut—–

          The plans they do to stop him are very not good. The only plan that seems to work is having Stella dress as character named Yodel boy. (what?)  The Yodel Boy story works on Lincoln because Lincoln would be worried about his reputation.  It\’s kind of evil plan , Stella thinking it up more kind of hurts.  I\’m actually surprised Lincoln is more willing to listen to random guy and change his minds, over his friends that\’s  kind of funny in a way. He tells them he\’s going to join them, but also that magic is always there for him. (What?) 


         That line is interesting, that he says he won\’t give up magic but will give it up enough to join is friends in their dance thing.  Unless, he figured out that his friends were worried about their reputations and wanted to help them out. The message here is that gave up not because he was worried about himself but worried about his friends.  But this is probably a theory, but that\’s the point of these cuts. 

—Un Cut—

        Of course, he finds outs that his friends did a yodel boy stunt.(  Thanks to Lincoln remembering that Stella doesn\’t usually wear pants.)  The thing Clyde was  doing this entire episode where is stomach hurts because he didn\’t want to do this plan, but not brave enough to not do it (That\’s right I called him a coward!) pays off as he spills everything when he sees the yodel boy costume in a locker, because Stella would be bad at murdering people. 

    I\’m going to do these lines, thank you for reading whatever I\’ve been doing here, so far and for sticking with me. 

       Clyde: …to stop you from doing magic and ruining your reputation 

     Lincoln : What? Why?

     Zach: We did it because we\’re your friends 

     Rusty: Yeah man, we couldn\’t just let you go out there and embarrass yourself in front of everyone 

   Lincoln:  Wow, I guess middle school really changes people , even ones you thought were your best friends.  If you all think I\’m so embarrassing, then maybe I should just go. 

           Now each line: with thoughts. (yay I \’m making you read the same thing twice!) 

         \”… to stop you from doing magic and ruining your reputation \”

      .This thought didn\’t just come from anywhere (well I\’m mean it\’s written by writers) I mean, going by what I think the episode is doing, being framed from the friends\’ point of view, then I wonder if they are expressing how they feel about themselves. They were ones worried about it from the start, not Lincoln, Lincoln was ready to go. 

          \”We did it because we\’re your friends\”

               Weird answer.  Easily could be said they wanted to stop him because they are his enemy. Not the best answer to that question.

      \”Yeah man, we couldn\’t just let you go out there and embarrass yourself in front of everyone \”

                   Back to my other thought, if this was some sort of back channel for them to express their own insecurity.  If I haven\’t been clear, I think this episode was the friends taking their own insecurities and worries.  If that\’s not what they intended then wow, I really watched this episode and found deep messages in nothing. I have to say that\’s not a good look to say that line because that shows they felt that something Lincoln likes is embarrassing. (Especially Rusty saying that, that\’s right come at me Rusty bros!)  

            \”Wow, I guess middle school really changes people , even ones you thought were your best friends If you all think I\’m so embarrassing, then maybe I should just go.\” 

        Lincoln was hurt here, because he felt their intentions weren\’t very good. He didn\’t read it as them caring about him, but caring about their own egos ,meaning that maybe they were trying to just place their own insecurities on him. They were too engulfed in their own actions to understand what they were doing. 

    The middle school line, also got to me, it reminds me of \”Lizzie McGuire\” (what?) follow along here, I\’ll explain this well.  In Lizzie McGuire, the main center piece of the show is about a girl and her two friends going through middle school. They have antagonist named Kate, Kate used to be their friend until middle school, when she got popular.  A background thing is that growing up, interests change, and people\’s flavors in people. (what?)  A worry Lincoln had in a season 4 episode was that his friends wouldn\’t want to be his friends anymore in middle school. That\’s something realistic that happens, and think he was hurt because he felt they don\’t like his interest and therefore, they would not be interested in him anymore. 


            So the friends feel bad, and because this is \”The Loud House\” not \”Degrassi\” they do resolve things by not doing their dance thing and asking Lincoln do magic and he impresses and wows and does a great job. Too be honest, if a kid can do freakin\’ magic well, anybody would be impressed. I think this was a complicated episode, but it made me think instead of being bland so that\’s good. I give it 7/10.  

   Thank you for reading, tune in next time, when I saw  someone in half but forgot it was supposed to be magic. 



Posted in: your life