The Casagrandes: Season 1: Episode 16: Grandparent Trap/ Miss Step

Posted on August 11, 2020


The Casagrandes   Nickelodeon 

      Previously on the Casagrandes : Snake!  Read that here

           Episode 16a: Grandparent Trap

            This episode isn\’t about Ronnie Anne trying to get two grandparents who divorced back together by switching places with a twin sister she never met before this … sadly.  The family is watching a talk show that looks like it\’s one of those 1990\’s talk shows hosted by Rikki Lake or Sally Jessy Raphaell, whom  I am sure are known to the target audience. This show is called Camilla. The show seems to be about relationships in trouble.

            Ronnie Anne sees some signs she\’s getting from the show between her grandparents and worries that they are at risk of having them break up. (The true moral is don\’t listen to TV) She gets her cousins to help make sure they don\’t break up.  In a strange way, I like how it shows the couple being more in that stage of being \”comfortable\”with each other so, they don\’t do that lovey stuff you\’d see like with Lori and Bobby.

            Anyway, the cousins think of a plan to get the grandparents to have  a date. So they do that sitcom thing of getting the two together for dinner. Rosa and Hector are all dressed up nicely and they have a nice little date.  Carl  goes through with his plan of faking a robbery and uh, this messes up things, as Hector said he was saving the food, not Rosa.

               Ronnie Anne tricks  Rosa and Hector on to being on the talk show because that\’s a plan. Apparently, the talk show is live, because Frieda is watching at home and crying like she\’s Spongebob.  This talk show thing doesn\’t go well.   The audience says they should break up, and Freida is somehow flooding the house with tears. Ronnie Anne finally admits she was worried and  figures out what we already now,they love each other.     She also saves the show of Sergio and his ostrich girl with their problems.

                 It\’s a good episode. It is interesting Ronnie Anne would jump to the conclusion because the background TV show gave her that impression. One could guess that maybe she was thinking about her own parents ,who are divorced, and doesn\’t want that too happen. I would be nice if the show gave viewers more on that background.  I know the show isn\’t a drama, but they brought up that can of worms earlier, otherwise the reasoning here does seem slightly weak.  I give it 7/10

more after the jump

      Episode 16b: Miss Step

               The episode starts with Carlota and her mother Freida working on a dress.  They are getting ready to perform the a folk dance called  balie folkorico.   Something happens where Ronnie Anne and Lalo, the dog, accidentally knock over Carlota and her arm is sprained.  Ronnie Anne decides to take her place. (Carl is sweet for wanting to beat up someone for making his mom cry)

         Training for this dance is apparently, like preparing to play against the Jackson Jaguars (or insert other football teams here) and doing some weird things.  Ronnie Anne isn\’t  a big fan of this training as it goes on.  She then finds out Carlota faked having an injury.  So, she helps Ronnie Anne get out of it by helping her fake an injury and passing the dancing on to Maria, Ronnie Anne\’s mother.

            This plan works for 30 seconds, as Maria is injured. This makes Freida cry some more, and Ronnie Anne feels bad  and decides to tell the truth.  (I do question how Freida has so much tears in her)  Eventually, Carlota admits it too and they tell her that she did go a little overboard. Eventually, they all together and Maria joins since she faked too.

              I think this is the first episode of the series where Ronnie Anne and her aunt did something together.  The flow of the plot is fun, Carl\’s parts shine well here too.  Ronnie Anne\’s willingness to help was nice, and the episode finishes off well.  The episode works to it\’s main of idea of showing Freida going a little overboard , but the episode shows the family cares about her still and will help her when need be.  I give it  7.5/10

   That\’s it for now, tune in next time, when we try to get this angry couple to break up and dance instead!

Posted in: your life