The Loud House: Season 4: Episode 11: Tails of Woe/ Last Loud on Earth

Posted on August 4, 2020


The Loud House Nickelodeon

      Episode 11a:  Tails of Woe

          The only thing to fear is science can go too far. (What?) This episode has to do with Stella\’s music box , she was going to show it off for school, but it\’s gone missing.  So there\’s only one logical reason: a monster took it. (Sure, alright) Zach suggests that maybe the rat beast took it, because that\’s what rat beasts do. (What\’s a Rat beast?)  The school has  a legend  and the school science lab (an elementary school) had some rats accidentally get exposed to some chemicals and turned into a mutant rat beast. (That makes sense)  Lincoln ,  Zach, Clyde, Liam, and Rusty help their friend figure out where the music box went..

            Stella is willing to die to a rat beast to get her music box. (Priorities) Girl Jordan\’s  earrings were taken, Mollie\’s  lucky Canadian penny was taken. (In Canada, they are just called pennies) Obviously, the beast is trying to go on a date and needed to dress up and money.(What?)  Most of the episode is them looking around for the creature.  There\’s a janitor, he\’s important to the plot. Until, the very right moment; they hear the music box in the walls. I do like how a take-out menu comes into play later in the plot, also mentioning the smell of corn chips.

           Norm, the janitor, finds out the kids are looking for the rat.  He sends them up to be safe and wants to fight the beast, himself.  They hear him fighting the rat beast and good thing he\’s stopped from being seen.  Actually, the rat beast is just a rat, with two tails. (Get it, Tails of Woe?)  The rat is named Cinnamon, Norm and the rat have become friends. Cinnamon likes corn chips.Norm takes care of him and has him as a secret for 10 years (that\’s along time for a rat)  They find their stuff and are happy.

          The kids agree to keep the secret, and they return the missing stuff.

         It\’s  a good little episode. The grounded show wants to have  a weird little rat, it can have a weird little rat. It has fun with the idea of  school legends and that\’s fine enough.  Good episode, even If I don\’t have much to say about it.   It\’s  9/10.

 More after the Jump

 Episode 11b:  Last Loud on Earth

       This is one of those Journey is fun part of the episode and not the destination.The ending is something that you already can see mostly how it gets there. This show wouldn\’t flip the script and go \”zombies are real in our world now\”. (Because they are cowards!) 

      It starts with Lincoln watching a zombie movie marathon. Lynn Sr. decides to ruin their fun. Lincoln has confidence and go to Lisa\’s bunker and sneak and watch the film marathon all night long until 7AM.  Now, in plot convenience time! Lincoln and Clyde find that everyone is gone,somehow. I do like asetchic and coloring the episode has through this part, it has a  very dark and imposing feel.    Everyone else around town is missing too. (Because everyone dead)
     Lincoln and Clyde find zombies and try to run away from them.   Good thing, they watched zombie movies.   Gee, I wonder who the zombies are….  Finally, plot convenient radio (playing you through the work day)  works to tell Lincoln and Clyde where they should go.

     Lincoln and Clyde take out the zombies , well not really.  They have one more thing to do and start attacking them.  (Really brave)   Though, since this episode is almost over, they find out they were beating up their dads. (Really? I\’m shocked)   Apparently, there was a storm, that\’s barely noticeable, and the dads were looking for them. Oh well, all is well or something.

    This episode is good for the journey,  it looks great; the coloring is spooky and gives that foreboding feeling. It is slightly goofy, and you know that aren\’t any zombies, but it\’s still kind fun.  It\’s  a 7/10 epiosde.

That\’s it for now, tune in next time when we breed 3 tailed rats for the market!

Posted in: your life