Browsing All Posts published on »September, 2011«

Good Bye "All My Children'

September 23, 2011


TV Daytime  All MyChildren 1971-2011     Now  another soap hits the dust and another nail in the  coffin in what daytime television used to be.  Yes soaps have quickly been killed of network television since 2007.NBC expanded the “Today Show” for a fourth hour to create a talk but to make local stations happy they ended […]

Good Bye "All My Children’

September 23, 2011


TV Daytime  All MyChildren 1971-2011     Now  another soap hits the dust and another nail in the  coffin in what daytime television used to be.  Yes soaps have quickly been killed of network television since 2007.NBC expanded the “Today Show” for a fourth hour to create a talk but to make local stations happy they ended […]

Good Bye "All My Children’

September 23, 2011


TV Daytime  All MyChildren 1971-2011     Now  another soap hits the dust and another nail in the  coffin in what daytime television used to be.  Yes soaps have quickly been killed of network television since 2007.NBC expanded the “Today Show” for a fourth hour to create a talk but to make local stations happy they ended […]

Fall TV new premieres and seasons for Wednesday Septemember 21st

September 21, 2011


TV tonight  // Author: // Description: slideshow that allows visitors to flip through a series of images on your website var x_92111=0; function rotate_92111(num){ fs=document.ff_92111.slide; x_92111=num%fs.length; if(x_92111<0) x_92111=fs.length-1; document.images.show_92111.src=fs.options[x_92111].value; fs.selectedIndex=x_92111;} function auto_92111() { if(document.ff_92111.fa.value == "Stop"){ rotate_92111(++x_92111);setTimeout("auto_92111()", 9000);}} New Fall TV tonight 9/21/11 X Factor Series Premiere Tonight 8/7c Fox The Middle 1 hour […]

Fall TV new premieres and seasons for Wednesday Septemember 21st

September 21, 2011


TV tonight  // Author: // Description: slideshow that allows visitors to flip through a series of images on your website var x_92111=0; function rotate_92111(num){ fs=document.ff_92111.slide; x_92111=num%fs.length; if(x_92111<0) x_92111=fs.length-1; document.images.show_92111.src=fs.options[x_92111].value; fs.selectedIndex=x_92111;} function auto_92111() { if(document.ff_92111.fa.value == "Stop"){ rotate_92111(++x_92111);setTimeout("auto_92111()", 9000);}} New Fall TV tonight 9/21/11 X Factor Series Premiere Tonight 8/7c Fox The Middle 1 hour […]

{Poll] will you miss all my children ?

September 21, 2011


POll  &amp;lt;a href=””&amp;gt;Will you miss “All My Children”?&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

All my children ends in 3 days

September 20, 2011


Daytime  All My Children 1970-2001  Soaps  ABC   As “All My Children” we look back at the opens of the show , we showed the first yesterday. (video: youtube)more opens after the jump      Here’s open from 1990 (video: youtube)here’s open from 1996 (video:youtube) from 2002 (video:youtube) from 2006 (video:youtube)most current (video:youtube)

{Poll] will you miss all my children ?

September 20, 2011



All my children ends in 3 days

September 20, 2011


Daytime  All My Children 1970-2001  Soaps  ABC   As “All My Children” we look back at the opens of the show , we showed the first yesterday. (video: youtube)more opens after the jump      Here’s open from 1990 (video: youtube)here’s open from 1996 (video:youtube) from 2002 (video:youtube) from 2006 (video:youtube)most current (video:youtube)

All mychildren ends in 4 days

September 19, 2011


Soaps  All my children 1970-2011  ABC We say good by to  “All mychildren this week”  so here’s a look at the first intro from the 1970’s Video after the jump (Video Via Youtube)